Headless Machine HTB Writeup: From Initial Access to Root

Hack The Box (HTB) is a popular platform for cybersecurity enthusiasts to practice penetration testing skills. One of the more challenging machines on HTB is the Headless Machine. This machine tests various aspects of hacking, including enumeration, exploitation, and privilege escalation. This detailed Headless Machine HTB Writeup provides a step-by-step guide to gaining initial access and rooting the machine, offering valuable insights for both beginners and experienced hackers alike.

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The Headless Machine on HTB presents an exciting opportunity to hone your skills in a real-world hacking scenario. Like many HTB machines, it requires thorough enumeration, identifying vulnerabilities, and exploiting them to gain root access. In this writeup, we’ll explore the entire process, from gaining initial access to achieving root, breaking down each step for clarity.

For those unfamiliar with HTB, machines are rated by difficulty, and Headless falls into the medium-to-hard category. This machine provides an excellent challenge in web application exploitation and privilege escalation. By the end of this writeup, you will have a solid understanding of how to approach a similar machine in a real-world pentesting environment.

Step 1: Enumeration

The first step in any penetration test is enumeration. Headless requires a combination of port scanning, service identification, and web application exploration. Let’s take a closer look.

Network Scanning with Nmap

Using Nmap to scan for open ports is a critical first step. You can run the following scan:


nmap -sC -sV -oN headless_scan 10.10.10.X

Here’s what we found:

22SSHOpenSSH 7.6
80HTTPApache 2.4.29

The port scan reveals that SSH and HTTP are running on the machine. While SSH may be useful later for privilege escalation, our initial focus will be on the HTTP service.

Web Application Enumeration

Visiting the site hosted on port 80, we find a simple webpage that seems static. However, running Gobuster reveals hidden directories that might provide a foothold:


gobuster dir -u http://10.10.10.X -w /path/to/wordlist.txt

The results show a /login page, which hints at potential credential-based access.

Step 2: Initial Access

After discovering the /login page, the next step is to attempt a brute-force attack or potentially exploit known vulnerabilities in login functionality. However, testing common default credentials doesn’t work, and there’s no apparent vulnerability on the login page.

Exploiting File Upload Vulnerability

Further inspection of the web application reveals an upload functionality. Upload features can often be misconfigured, allowing attackers to upload malicious files. In this case, we attempt to upload a PHP reverse shell disguised as an image:

  1. Upload the file using .php.jpg to bypass filters.
  2. Access the file at /uploads/.
  3. Trigger the reverse shell by navigating to the uploaded file.


nc -lvnp 4444

Once we trigger the reverse shell, we gain initial low-level access to the system.

Step 3: Privilege Escalation

With initial access as a low-privilege user, the next phase is to escalate privileges to gain root access.

Enumerating for Sudo Permissions

We start by checking the current user’s permissions:


sudo -l

In this case, the user has limited sudo privileges, but certain binaries can be run with elevated privileges. Specifically, nano can be executed with sudo. This opens up a potential vector for privilege escalation.

Exploiting Sudo Nano

Nano has a known vulnerability that allows attackers to escape the editor and execute commands as root. Follow these steps:

  1. Run sudo nano.
  2. Press Ctrl+R and then Ctrl+X to open a command prompt.
  3. Enter /bin/sh to spawn a root shell.

At this point, we have successfully escalated privileges and gained root access.

Final Step: Root Access and Proof

With root access achieved, the final step is to locate the root flag. Navigate to the /root directory and retrieve the flag:


cat /root/root.txt

Congratulations! You’ve successfully rooted the Headless Machine.

Table: Key Steps in Headless Machine HTB Writeup

EnumerationNmap and Gobuster reveal open ports and hidden directories.
Initial AccessExploiting file upload vulnerability to gain low-level access.
Privilege EscalationUsing sudo nano to escalate privileges and gain root access.
Root AccessAccessing the root flag after privilege escalation.

Lessons Learned from Headless Machine

The Headless Machine HTB Writeup highlights several important lessons:

1. Always Enumerate Thoroughly

Enumeration is the key to identifying potential vulnerabilities. Skipping this step can leave you stuck without a way forward.

2. Exploit Misconfigurations

Misconfigurations like improper file upload handling or excessive sudo permissions are consistently exploited by attackers.

3. Privilege Escalation Techniques Are Critical

Knowing various privilege escalation techniques, such as exploiting binaries with sudo, is essential in penetration testing.

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This Headless Machine HTB Writeup offers a structured approach to hacking the Headless machine, guiding you from initial access to root. It emphasizes the importance of enumeration, exploiting misconfigurations, and identifying privilege escalation vectors. With the right methodology, even complex machines like Headless become manageable.

By following the steps outlined here, you’ll not only root the Headless Machine but also enhance your skills in identifying vulnerabilities, leveraging misconfigurations, and escalating privileges.

For further learning and developing your hacking skills, you can explore additional resources on Offensive Security.


1. What is the Headless Machine HTB Writeup?
The Headless Machine HTB Writeup provides a step-by-step guide on hacking the Headless machine from initial access to root.

2. How do you gain initial access to the Headless machine?
Initial access is achieved by exploiting a file upload vulnerability, allowing a reverse shell to be uploaded.

3. What privilege escalation method was used on the Headless machine?
Privilege escalation was accomplished by exploiting the sudo permissions on the nano binary to gain root access.

4. Why is enumeration important in the Headless Machine HTB Writeup?
Enumeration helps reveal open ports, services, and hidden directories that are key to gaining initial access.

5. Is the Headless machine suitable for beginners?
Headless is a medium-to-hard level machine, making it more appropriate for intermediate-level users, but with guidance, beginners can learn a lot.

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